As you all know, the Utah Society of Mayflower Descendants pays the annual membership dues for our members to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. At the last meeting of the General Society the decision was made and voted upon to increase the amount that each member is to pay annually.
The General Society had not raised their dues in several years. The Utah Society Executive Board had no choice but to raise our annual dues by the same amount for 2021 to $60.00 per member per year.
In addition to the dues increase the decision was made that if you are not current on your Utah Society dues by the end of each year, we will need to drop your membership with the Utah Society. In the past the Utah Society paid the National General Society dues for delinquent members which caused the Utah Society financial hardship covering for those members.
If you have not paid dues for this calendar year by December 31st (or previous years dues if applicable) we will need to drop you from the Utah Society membership rolls.
Important other changes starting 2024:
New Application fees will increase to $175.00 from $150.00
Supplemental Application fees will increase to $150.00 from $140 (*Note – a supplemental proves additional lines of descent from other Mayflower passengers.)
You can always pay your Annual Dues by visiting the payments page on this website. You can also mail a check to the treasurer at:
Eileen Johnson, 123 E. 2nd Ave., Apt. 608, Salt Lake City, UT 84103-4755
It is my pleasure to be your treasurer!
Transfer from the Utah Society: $10 if dues are paid up. If dues are not current, dues are required for the current year and the year when membership lapsed. If you should wish to end your Mayflower membership, you should resign rather than let your membership lapse for non-payment of dues, just in case you change your mind and want to be later reinstated.
The Utah Society does not charge a fee to transfer into the society as a member in good standing from any other state society. Also, dues are not charged for the year of transfer.