Welcome to the official web site for the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Utah. This society is a nonprofit hereditary organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of our Mayflower ancestors through genealogical and historical research, commemorative activities, and educational outreach. In the spirit of the brave souls who sailed the Mayflower to the shores of Plymouth in 1620, the society celebrates the ideals of democracy and religious freedom that brought the Pilgrims to this land. The Utah Mayflower Society was founded in 1948. The Utah Mayflower Society is an official state society of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants headquartered in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Save the date May 2nd, 2025 for the Spring banquet at the Sons of Utah Pioneers Headquarters.
Join with your Mayflower cousins May 2nd, 2025 banquet at 6:00 pm
Utah Society Spring 2025 Banquet
The website payments page will be accepting registrations for
the banquet starting on March 10 and will remain open for
registrations until April 18.
Cousins: our Spring Dinner is Friday, May 2, 2025, at the Sons of Utah Pioneers National Headquarters, 3301 E Louise Ave, (2920 South) Millcreek, UT 84109. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. with dinner being served at 6:30 p.m.
Come and listen to more stories of our ancestors:
John Howland, Miles Standish, Thomas Rogers, and
Richard Warren. Interested in sharing the above
ancestors’ stories? Please notify someone on the Board.
The Brown Brothers menu includes: Chicken Marsala, Roasted Garlic Baron of Beef accompanied by Cracked Pepper Jus and Spicy Horseradish, Green Beans Almondine, Mixed Green Salad with Strawberries, Feta Cheese, Candied Pecans and Balsamic Dressing, Scalloped Potatoes, dinner rolls, butter, three desserts and fruited or ice water. Cost is $45.00 per person. The deadline for orders is April 18th. Go to the payment page on Utahmayflower.org to purchase your banquet dinner; don’t miss out! We hope to see you there!
Report on the Utah Society Fall 2024 Banquet
The Utah Society met for its Fall 2024 Banquet at the Wheelhouse Restaurant at Gardner Village in West Jordan, Utah on Nov 8th. We had a wonderful dinner in a quaint setting. After conducting Society business and presenting new members with their certificates, the program was enjoyed by over 71 society members. We were enlightened by Society members who gave stories of our passenger ancestors. We need to hear more. This past year the Utah society celebrated our “Pilgrims to Pioneers” initiative which included our past pilgrim ancestors’ descendants who crossed the plains as Pioneers before 1869 when the Transcontinental Railroad was completed. We also included lapel pins, medallions, challenge coins, and mugs for sale with a newly created design. There will be special certificates available as well. Fellow Mayflower Cousins had an enjoyable evening and look forward to meeting at the next banquet in May at the Sons of Utah Pioneers Headquarters. Thank you for your attendance and best wishes for a beautiful and joyous Christmas and Happy New Year. |
Utah Society of Mayflower Descendants Spring 2024 Banquet
The Utah Society met for its Spring 2024 Banquet at the Sons of Utah Pioneers Headquarters on May 3rd. After conducting Society business and presenting new members with their certificates, there was an interesting “Pilgrims to Pioneers” presentation given by Dr. Brian Cannon of Brigham Young University. His presentation focused on the life stories of selected 19th century descendants of our Pilgrim ancestors after they migrated to the Western frontier.
To celebrate this initiative, the Utah Society offered lapel pins, medallions, challenge coins, and mugs for sale with a newly created design.

There is much told about the migration west, the journeys across the plains and mountains to the Great Basin, and the causes of that massive movement out of the United States. Our story for the evening is not to repeat those stories, but to reveal the account of the historical settlement of the Great Basin and the even larger Latter-Day-Saint (LDS) area of colonization – from Mexico to southern Canada. While our pilgrim ancestors never came west, their descendants did! Many of these, our ancestors, didn’t end their travels upon arrival in what was to become the Utah Territory! What happened to them? A great many continued for many miles as part of the planned and organized settlement of the Great Basin. No where in American history was there such an ordered methodology employed in the settlement of land. What was that methodology, how was it decided where to send a group of folks, what were the requirements – skills, numbers, demographics, how long did they have to stay in place? Where did our Pilgrim descendants settle? What other Pilgrim descendants came west and became part of the story? Miners, soldiers guarding the Mormon trail at Fort Laramie…. The stories are fascinating and its time their tales are told.